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学堂 外汇

Dollar Soaring or Plunging? A Must-Take Course for Traders


The US dollar index is like a thermometer, telling us the heat and influence of the US dollar in the global market.
In June 2024, the US dollar index experienced a noticeable decline, slipping around 0.1% in early London trading. This marks the first significant pullback of the US dollar since August 2023.
What factors exactly led to this change in the trend of the US dollar index? How will the US dollar index evolve in the future? How should investors respond to and trade in such market changes?
This video episode will serve as an introduction, helping investors understand the background and causes of the US dollar index's decline. Combining the current market environment, it will also provide investors with specific operational suggestions and investment strategies, to better grasp the future direction of the US dollar index.
Creators:Daniel Ang 
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